Sunday, June 30, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching, Boy is it Hot!

It seems that the weeks are flying by, we are at the end of June, and halfway through the year.  It just doesn't seem possible.  

This week was workday for our guild's community service group at my house.  We had about 6 people I think.  What we do is cut the batting for quilt tops that have been donated by our members, and also figure out how much binding they will need, and package everything together in a plastic bag, along with a quilt label.  These will be taken to pin basting day in 2 weeks, and then taken to the guild meeting for members to take home and work on quilting.

This week, as well as last week, we have had days in the 100's, and next week due supposedly to get up to 108-113 maybe.  I have been trying to get out and garden first thing or else it is too hot.  I have an annoying weed in my backyard, it is a morning glory weed with a white flower.  It entwines itself around everything, seeming to choke plants off.  It took me about 1/2 to get it out of my miniature lemon tree, and I got poked a couple of times with the tree's thorns.  No matter how many times I pull it up, it always comes back.   

These are some pictures of how my gardens are growing.

The dahlia in the front is about to bloom

The dahlia in the back and hydrangea are blooming

My tomatoes are going crazy along with the zucchini

As far as what I have been doing this week, I made a little dirty clothes bag to take with me on trips.  I cut the Dirty Laundry out of iron-on Vinyl with my Cricut.  I am a succor for nautical fabric, with lighthouses, whales, mermaids, sailing ships.  I have had this piece of fabric in my stash since 1999.  I decided to use it for my laundry bag.  I probably have more of it in my stash, but I love it!    I closed the top with a piece of Velcro.

While looking through my nautical stash I found a panel to make a tote bag, so I finally finished that.

The blog hop I am participating in for July is called Something Smells Fishy.  I pieced a background for my project.  

For Slow Sunday Stitching this week, I will continue working on my Kathy Schmitz project, and if I want to switch, I have July's Woven Wreaths to work on.

I'll be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Head on over and see what everyone has been up to.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

This week was not quite as busy as I usually have.  We had our guild meeting a week early, so my Wednesday was free.   I was able to get a bunch of errands done.  I also cut out and made 3 summer dresses for myself.

They all were 2 hour dresses, no zippers.  The last one took me 6 hours to do.  The facing directions were sort of difficult, and I ended up putting in the facing 3 times.  

Saturday night was grandson Keaton's open house/graduation party.  They had a food truck that came and parked outside and served all sorts of pulled pork/pulled chicken dishes, served over french fries, or tacos.  At grandson Jaeger's graduation party several years ago, they had the same truck and  it is delicious.

Daughter Katie painted this picture for Keaton's graduation gift.  

Weather has been in the high 90's this week, and Saturday it got to 104.  Thankfully next week it is supposed to get back into the high 90's.  

For Slow Sunday Stitching this week, I am going to try to work on this Kathy Schmitz stitchery.  I got side tracked last weekend and ended up working on something else.  

I'll be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

For The Birds Blog Hop Challenge Starts Today, My Day


Today is my day for the start of the For The Birds Blog Hop Challenge, hosted by the fabulous Joan  @MooseStash Quilting.  

The Challenge:  Angry birds, crazy birds, whimsical birds or flying geese.  If its a bird, this is their time to show their colors.  

For this challenge, I had planned to make a lap quilt for my daughter Katie for her birthday.  I had an owl panel I planned to use.   Katie loves owls.  Several weeks ago Katie came to my quilt guild's show and saw a different owl quilt made from a panel that she just kept telling me how much she loved.  While I was working at the quilt show I went ahead and ordered this other owl panel and finished the top.

I'll get this quilted before her August Birthday.  

Be sure and visit the other bloggers below.  And thanks again to Joan for another great challenge!

                                                                         June 17


Karrin’s Crazy World

Quilting Between the Rails

Selina Quilts

Quilt Doodle Designs


June 18

Homespun Hannah's Blog


Words & Stitches

High Road Quilter

Quilted Delights

Quilted Snail


June 19

Patchouli Moon Studio

A Quiltery

Ms P Designs USA

Stitching Farm Girl



June 20

Just Let Me Quilt

Isabella’s Whimsy

Quilting Gail

Hazel's Daughter

Songbird Designs

Thanks for stopping by!  

HQAL, Slow Sunday Stitching

This week we had our guild meeting early as the church we meet at had other activities.  It was also our quilt show rewards.  I was pleasantly surprised and blessed to have won 4 ribbons.  

Ella Maria Deacon reproduction won First Prize in the large applique category, plus it was one of five quilts that won Viewer's Choice

Mrs. Brown's Quilt was in the same category as Ella Maria and won second place.  This was a quilt I finished in 2000 and was quilted by Bonnie Hunter when she was doing longarm quilting.  

My Favorite Things also won a first place.  

This week I got caught up on Woven Wreaths. 

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching is another Kathy Schmitz embroidery.  

Be sure to check out what the other hand quilters and piecers are up to below.  

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

KathyMargaretDebNanette, SharonKarrinDaisy, and Connie

I'll be linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Saturday, June 15, 2024

For The Birds Blog Hop Challenge Starts Monday


The For The Birds Blog Hop Challenge starts next week, hosted by the fabulous Joan  @MooseStash Quilting.  

The Challenge:  Angry birds, crazy birds, whimsical birds or flying geese.  If its a bird, this is their time to show their colors.  

                                                                         June 17


Karrin’s Crazy World

Quilting Between the Rails

Selina Quilts

Quilt Doodle Designs


June 18

Homespun Hannah's Blog


Words & Stitches

High Road Quilter

Quilted Delights

Quilted Snail


June 19

Patchouli Moon Studio

A Quiltery

Ms P Designs USA

Stitching Farm Girl



June 20

Just Let Me Quilt

Isabella’s Whimsy

Quilting Gail

Hazel's Daughter

Songbird Designs

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, June 10, 2024

For the Birds Blog Hop Challenge Coming Up


The For The Birds Blog Hop Challenge starts next week, hosted by the fabulous Joan  @MooseStash Quilting.  

The Challenge:  Angry birds, crazy birds, whimsical birds or flying geese.  If its a bird, this is their time to show their colors.  

                                                                             June 17


Karrin’s Crazy World

Quilting Between the Rails

Selina Quilts

Quilt Doodle Designs


June 18

Homespun Hannah's Blog


Words & Stitches

High Road Quilter

Quilted Delights

The Quilted Snail


June 19

Patchouli Moon Studio

A Quiltery

Ms P Designs USA

Stitching Farm Girl

Kathy's Kwilts and More 



June 20

Just Let Me Quilt

Isabella’s Whimsy

Quilting Gail

Hazel's Daughter

Songbird Designs

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

This week my youngest granddaughter Klara had a little play at school, depicting the gold rush in California.  Klara had a lead part, as one of the narrators of the play, and she memorized her lines like a champ!   The students were all dressed up in period costumes for the era.

Our weather in Northern California the past several weeks  has been in the 90's and 100's.  I was able to get out into one of my flower beds.  It has gotten overgrown since the winter.  I knew I had a bunch of bulbs in there, iris and naked lady bulbs and they have replicated like crazy.  So I pulled them up.   I am going to replant the naked ladies, but the iris I am giving away.  Those two boxes of bulbs came out of that tiny area.  

I still have another area to clean out, that also has foxgloves in it.  

But everything else is blooming including my hydrangeas.

My vegetable garden is thriving also.  I have harvested 2 zucchini and one crookneck squash.  

My daughter Kristen has a new boxer puppy named Roxy that is the cutest little thing.  I have seen her 3 times this week.  This is my son-in-law Jeff and it is his puppy.  He had a boxer that passed away several years ago.  

This past week I as able to get my Kathy Schmitz bee stitchery done, and one of the Woven Wreaths.  

For Slow Sunday Stitching I will be working on another of the Woven Wreaths.  I am catching up, and after I finish up this one, I have one more for June and I will be caught up.

I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!