Monday, October 14, 2024

Something Wicked Blog Hop Challenge Coming Next Week



The Something Wicked Blog Hop Challenge starts next week, hosted by the amazing Carol @Just Let Me Quilt.

Carol says about the challenge:  "Your idea of "wicked" might be completely different than mine, so take this where you want to.  Of course, it is Halloween-related, so include that in your wicked creations."

The line-up of bloggers is below:  

                                                                      OCTOBER 21

Just Let Me Quilt

Just Sew Quilter

Sew Many Yarns

Patchouli Moon Studio

High Road Quilter


Quilt Schmilt

Selina Quilts

Karrin’s Crazy World


Quilted Snail


A Quiltery

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs


Homespun Hannah's Blog



Ms P Designs USA

Quilted Delights

Quilting Between the Rails

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 Another fun-filled week has passed.  I knew that my grandson Jaeger was coming home from college for 4 days, and I had a project I wanted him to help me with.  I have had this idea in my head about making another flower garden.  I needed to prep part of the area first, taking out some old cinder blocks, and relocating some plants temporarily.  Thursday Jaeger met me at Home Depot with a truck and helped me pick up these retaining wall stones, although I am standing them up so they have a decorative edge.  

I am so happy my garden is finally laid out, now I can bring in the soil myself, and start my planting.  I have a lot of naked lady bulbs I dug up from another garden bed, and I also have a peony in a pot I will be able to put in the ground now.  Our weather is cooling off a bit now, am looking forward to low 80 degree, and high 70's so I will be able to work outside more.  

This week was also basting day for Community Service, and I had lunch with my friend Jandra.  We got to visit our favorite shop that is open for a week once a month called Gypsy Chic.  It is like a vintage thrift store and it changes with the seasons.  This month was fall/Halloween items.  

Friday was a family picnic day at my granddaughter Klara's school.  I took lunch over at her grade's assigned time, it was a good lunch.  

This week I also worked on various sewing/embroidery projects.  Witch Hazel is finished, but I will wait to reveal until the Something Wicked Blog Hop next week.  I also worked on these blocks for another secret project.  

I am also going to try to start this poncho again.  I am an extremely slow knitter but I am going to try again.  My granddaughter Kyleigh asked me to make this a couple of years ago, and I started it once, and got it messed up and I ripped it out.  I am going to try again.  

Saturday was my birthday, and my family that was in town took me to Half Moon Bay for the day.  I love the ocean, and am happiest there.  Granddaughter Kyleigh had to work, and grandson Keaton is still back east at college.  

We had a wonderful day, with a scrumptious lunch at Barb's Fish Trap.  We stopped by our favorite succulent place, and they took me to the orchid nursery.  We spent the afternoon at the beach which was fun.  

These are the plants that came home with me, the succulents and my orchids.

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching is my knitting, and Woven Wreaths for October.  I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

This past week was less hectic.  I did have two board meetings on Tuesday, the Begonia Board Meeting, and the Quilt Guild Board Meeting where I serve on the Community Service section.  Basically the rest of the week was my own.  My daughter Kristen and I have been participating in two water exercise classes at an indoor pool, an aqua yoga, and a Shallow Water H20 class with exercises.  I have been feeling somewhat better participating in these, along the walking I do with some neighborhood friends 4-5 times per week.  

This week was grandson Keaton's 18th birthday.  With him being out of state at college, this was the first birthday I haven't been able to celebrate with him.  

This week I worked on a Christmas gift for a secret quilting sister.  It is a Flora Supply Case by Clover and Violet.  I made one of these before, and my sister-in-law Char said she could use one, so I gave her mine.  It is a zippered pouch with mesh and fabric pockets.  

The original pattern had 2.5 inch squares for the cover, but I had a ton of hexies I was itching to use.  This will be the cover of my secret quilting sister.  I plan to make one for me too, but I need make some more hexies.

This week I also worked on my 3 yard quilt.   The members of our guild were challenged to making a 3 yard quilt for Community Service.   The Programs directors had packaged together yards of three different fabrics and we chose which one we wanted.  I have had mine done since the last day camp, I just needed to quilt it.  I got it done this week and got the binding on. One of the things I will be doing for Slow Sunday Stitching is sewing the binding down.  

I also will be working on my Witch Hazel.  I don't have that much more to do.   

Saturday daughter Katie and I worked the Begonia booth at a local plant show.  It is hard to work with all the plants sitting around you and not purchasing anything.   There was a succulent booth across from us, and I also bought a cactus.

Daughter Kristen came down to check out the plants too.

Afterwards Katie and I went to lunch and had an excellent salad.

Our weather has been record-breaking high still, and I haven't gotten much work done in the yard, little to none, and there is no end in sight yet to the hot weather.

I will be linking up to Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Head on over and check what everyone is working on.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

HQAL. Slow Sunday Stitching

Another week flew by.  I didn't get much sewing done this week.  I had quilt guild workday at my house this week, so I needed to clean house and get things set up.  I also did a deep clean of my bedroom.  I vacuum my bedroom, but don't generally dust.  So I did this week.  I also had gotten some new sheers because the old ones had disintegrated over years of being in a window that gets afternoon sun.  I noticed the drapes were also dusty too, so I moved furniture, washed drapes and vacuumed really well before I put the new sheers and clean drapes up.  

This week I had also hired a handyman do do a couple of things.  I needed to have my shower re-caulked so I did a thorough cleaning of my bathroom too.  The handyman re-caulked my shower and around the kitchen sink, hung a new lamp out in my garage because one of mine had the ballasts go out.  He also took down a cabinet that used to hold BBQ tools that John had made, and hung it in the shed where I have a potting bench.  I figured I could hang my potting tools.

Part of my orchids in the house were suffering after my 2 weeks of no AC, so I repotted them.  

Last Sunday we celebrated my youngest grandson John's 14th BD for a dinner out. My two youngest grandchildren will probably be taller than me the next time I see them!

On Saturday this week, my oldest daughter Kristen and I went on the Alzheimer's Walk with some of her former coworkers.  They all work for the same organization, in different locations.

I've gotten 3 new T-shirts the past couple of weeks!  The turquoise is my color.  

The best thing about these walks is that we usually go out to brunch afterwards.

This week I did get September's Woven Wreaths done.

What I will be working on this Sunday for Slow Sunday Stitching is my Witch Hazel, I got quite a bit stitched this week.

I also hope to continue stitching on block 1 of Folk Art Sampler by Bonnie Sullivan.  I am getting it as a BOM from Shabby Fabrics.  

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

KathyMargaretDebNanette, SharonKarrinDaisy, and Connie


I will also be linking up for Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.   Check out what everyone is working on.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bee Kind Blog Hop Challenge, My Day


The Bee Kind Blog Hop Challenge started on Monday, hosted by the amazing Joan @Moosestash Quilting.  Today I get to share my kind projects, and bee project.  Thanks so much to Joan for another amazing hop, and a chance to finish up one of my undone projects.

The challenge this time is to show our "kind projects", favorite charity project, a free pattern or anything that shows we spread a little kindness, everywhere we go.  Of course Bee projects of all kinds fit in there too.  

I am a co-chair of the Community Service section of my local guild, and have donated quite a few quilts.  Recently I have been hooked on making the potato chip blocks with my scraps.  Here are two I donated to my guild.

Recently a lady joined our guild who gathers handmade quilts, fabric, funds for supplies to make quilts.  The organization is called Christmas Quilts for Recovery.  These quilts are given Christmas Day to burn patients at UC Davis Hospital Burn Center and children at Shriner's Hospital for Children to let them know they aren't forgotten at Christmas.   Roxie and another guild member recently had a sewing day to make quilt tops.  I was not able to go but donated two tops.

Last week at our guild meeting, I donated the top I made for the Its a Jungle Blog Hop to the Christmas Quilts For Recovery.  

For my Bee Kind project, I have been working on Kathy Schmitz embroidery for several years, and many of them had bees.  I got them all together and embroidered a couple of more and put them together.  When I found out about the Bee Kind Blog Hop, I purchased a layer cake that had a lot of bees in it, and also a lot of sunflowers, and I used them for a piano key border.

The entire list of bloggers is below.  Be sure and visit them and see what they have come up with.  

Monday Sept 23

Words & Stitches

Selina Qullts

Just  Sew  Quilter


Tuesday Sept 24

Patchouli Moon Studio

Quilted Snail

Quilt Schmilt

Quilted Delights

Hazels Daughter

Wednesday Sept 25


Karrin's Crazy World

That Fabric Feeling

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

Quilting Between the Rails

Thursday Sept 26th

Just Let Me Quilt

Ms P Designs USA

Quilting Gail

Songbird Designs

There will be a Pinterest board too:

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 Another busy week has flown by.  I don't know where the weeks go.  I had a couple of appointments this week, a dermatology appointment and got a spot frozen.  I also had an eye appointment this week, and got my flu shot while I was there.  

This week was also Begonia Society meeting, followed the next day by guild meeting.

I also finally got my heat pump fixed and have AC again, just in time for our weather ramping back up into the 90's again. I also got my spare tire/sensor fixed back on my car and I didn't have to pay anything for that, probably because my SIL Jeff has a used car dealership across the street and does business with the company.

I fired the company that put the fan blade on the new heat pump motor last year.  It should not have fallen off if they tightened it right, or checked it in April when they serviced the unit.  I also fired the home warranty company that only pays for normal routine wear and tear.

I also got a new Iphone 15 pro this past week.  My old phone was having problems.  Blue tooth was not working, my daughters would call and the call would not go through.  I'm having a little trouble syncing my photos to my PC though.

I worked on my yard a bit since it is a little cooler in the morning.  The Mexican sunflower is really getting tall, I had to stake it up.

I've been planning a new garden area, up against the back of the house.  I've got black cloth to kill the grass.  I got 5 cement blocks to go around the perimeter as an edge.  I will get a few at a time.  Thankfully granddaughter Kyleigh's fiance Andrew helped me bring them to the backyard. I plan to cut the tree looking trumpet vine to the ground.  It is falling over, and will definitely come back.

The only thing I sewed on this past week was my project for the Bee Kind Blog Hop Challenge which starts on Monday.  

What I will be working on this week will be Witch Hazel


Also I need to finish up September's Woven Wreaths.

I keep meaning to show what I purchased recently from  She has these laser cut bobbin sets that you can wrap your embroidery threads around.  I bought the one with cats, but there are woodland creatures, bunnies, llama's and all sorts of animals.  Mine has 15 bobbins.

I found this on Facebook recently.

Thanks for stopping by!