It has been a fun-filled busy week. Tuesday evening was the monthly Begonia Society meeting, and we received our challenge plants for the year. Initially we pay $5 for a plant, and then in October we bring it back in dead or alive to show how it is doing. Members vote for their favorite and the winner wins a prize. The next March we receive a challenge plant for free. As long as you show the plant or carcass you keep receiving a new plant. I didn't think to take a picture of the plant, and I still need to repot it. I found out that I am hosting the Begonia Board meeting at my house April 1st. I need to get my yard in order and a lot of weeds pulled.
Wednesday was our guild meeting, and I got to show my SAHRR. They took a lovely picture of it while I was up on the stage.
This I will be donating to one of the hospitals we donate to for Mercyful Quilts.
Wednesday afternoon I got to see grandson Jaeger and meet his girlfriend who came home with him from Albuquerque for spring break. Jaeger plays La Crosse for UNM. She had to go back early, but it was so nice to meet her.
Saturday evening, part of the family went out to dinner, as Jaeger was leaving Sunday evening to go back to school.
I cut out a bunch of Sawtooth Stars with my Accuquilt and realized when I got to camp and was sewing them together I got the dark and light pieces mixed up.
So that night I went home and recut things. I was able to get 12 sewn. I am going to have some applique blocks too with the Accuquilt fox, butterfly, and frog.
I also got about 18 of the 2 inch economy blocks for the Scrap Meets Thrifty Challenge on Instagram by Reproquilt Lover.
I found a red print in my stash from the Shelburne Museum from the Clarissa Wright Alford collection to alternate the blocks with.
The other thing I have been working on at Day Camp are the Gnomes and Birches. by Lakegirl Designs. I got all 24 gnomes sewn, I just need to sew the noses down.
Sunday at Day Camp will probably start on the birch blocks.
At Day Camp the organizer/member of our guild shops for prizes according to the number of people we have attending. The prizes are up on a table for several days so we can look at them. When my name was called this time I picked this backing fabric for the gnomes. There were 3 yards of wide backing. There were a lot of layer cakes and jelly rolls available earlier in the number calling, but my favorite ones were picked. The quilt store Sew Katie Jean pulls names out of the hat and has prizes too. I left early Saturday so I could bake Jaeger some cookies to take back to school with him. Apparently my name was called after I left for the Grand Prize. I will find out Sunday what that was.
This is my gnome backing with a couple of gnomes on top.
What I will be working on when I get home from Day Camp tomorrow afternoon is still quilting this piece. I didn't get much hand work done this week. I'll be linking up with Kathy's Quilts.
Thanks for stopping by!