I recently entered
Cathy's giveaway on her blog.
While I didn't win that prize, she graciously decided to chose a second person to also receive a baggie of CQ goodies, and I was that lucky second
person. Yesterday I received some lovely fabrics, hankie, lace, trims, and some silkie images, when I had been looking all over for some tiny images for the project below. Thank you so much Cathy,
you cannot know how much this made my day (receiving those tiny silkie images).

I am participating in Pat Winters
Pieces of Friendship swap, and finished my first puzzle piece last night. I have some other pieces all pieced together, just need to embellish them. These are 4" pieces, and I was finding it hard to find images small enough to get on these blocks. This silkie image took most of the whole block and I didn't have much room to do much more.
So when Cathy's tiny silkie images arrived yesterday, I was delighted so now I can add those to my other blocks and have more room to embellish.
As far as the room redo goes, we got the countertop jacked up about 8 inches on one side, and 6 on the other. DH, with his iffy back does not want to bend over and lift it totally from the ground. Anyway after time spent jacking this up (by me while he held it steady), and putting blocks of wood under it, we took a break for dinner. He finally decided to call DSIL to see if he could stop by after work to help. And DSIL John said he would stay "as long as it takes". I plan to make a casserole he and Katie love, so when he gets done they will have dinner ready, and not have to worry about that tonight.
I am so blessed for my DH, and my family. They are so supportive of everything I do. I am also blessed, that in this 4 bedroom house, 2 of them are mine, for my sewing room, and then my office/craft room. I did not dream up this room redo myself, DH started commenting that we could move the big bookcase, he could build cabinets, and then get a countertop I could work on
instead of the tiny card table I worked on my card and stamping projects on. I finally took him up on the idea, and am anxious now to see it finished.