It was a week chock full of activities and get-togethers with friends and family. It started last Saturday with a brunch with grandson Jaeger who was leaving for college in New Mexico the next day. We got some pictures back at the house after brunch. I'm going to miss him terribly. He is the one I call when I need help moving something, or other things. Always so willing to help. I made him some cookies for the road trip.
The next day Jaeger and his dad left on the road trip back to New Mexico, with a stop at Universal Studios and the Grand Canyon before heading to New Mexico. This way Jaeger will have his car to get around while there.
Early in the week I spent repotting some plants. I was looking in a cupboard I keep soil and other planting items to see if I had any succulent soil, which I didn't. I was trying to stuff everything back in the cupboard and scraped my arm against the rough edge of the door. I have a tendency to get this purple spots instead of bruises now, and my skin is really thing. I had just gotten all my purple spots almost all gone when this happened. My skin actually peeled back about 3/4 inches. When I soaked it with cold water it was excruciatingly painful. I put the skin back in place, and have had it under a bandage ever since, checking it everyday.
This week I spent quilting my brother Bill's quilt. I am working on the binding now, and this will be working on this for Slow Sunday Stitching hosted by Kathy at Kathy's Quilts. Be sure and check out what everyone is working on!

Thursday was a busy day. I was having Kristen and granddaughter Kyleigh to lunch with BLT's and fresh peach ice cream. I had an appointment to get my hearing aids cleaned and wanted to have everything prepped before I had my 9 am appointment. I got to my appointment and realized I hadn't even put my hearing aids in my ears. I was so embarrassed by my hearing aid specialist said it was no problem. I needed to have my hearing checked again anyway. I have needed hearing aids for about 2 years. They were 1 year past their usefulness. I inquired about new ones, and she asked if I had an AARP card, which I had just gotten several weeks before. Anyway AARP had a significant discount, $2,200 for the state of the art hearing aids. They will play the telephone ringing in my ears when it it rings, I can also listen to audio books and my music. I asked if they could be fitted by 10:00 when I had to leave, and she said it was possible. So I ended up getting new ones. They have a few problems, but they set me up for another appointment in the coming week.
I got back home in time for Kristen and Kyleigh arriving for our BLAT (bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado) sandwiches with fresh peach ice cream for dessert. We all had to leave at 2, Kyleigh for work, and I took Kristen to the airport to fly to New Mexico. Kristen and Jeff like to get the kids set up for college each year, get them set up with snacks, a small frig and and anything else they might need.
Also this week, I found out that the appraisal of my house came out even better than I thought it would, and I was so thrilled. I am getting a reverse mortgage. I have a lot of equity in my house after living here for 43 years, so it makes sense for me. I really don't want to move, and without having to pay my house payment anymore I can live here quite comfortably, plus I will be able to put on a new roof and some other improvements.
Friday I had brunch with a friend, and then headed over to a Sewing and Quilting Trade show that I had bought discount tickets for. I bought a few items for my secret pal at Christmas. The big highlight of my day was that there was a vender that had a Handiquilter Moxie which I got to test drive. I love it, and have been wanting one ever since they came out. After I get my roof fixed, and things get settled I plan to purchase one. When Handiquilter first came on the market years ago, John got me the first model which were tracks that you taped to a board. The board I clamped to a banquet table. It came with a carriage that went across the tracks. This was before Handiquilter came out with the Sweet Sixteen. I got a Juki at that time and have been using this set-up. The trouble is that I have to twist my head around to see what I am sewing. Anyway I am really looking forward to getting the Handiquilter Moxie. When John was in the hospital at the beginning I went in to see him, and I told him I had been moving furniture around to clean the living room where his hospital bed was located. He inquired if I had gone ahead and gotten the quilting machine, which I hadn't. I was just giving his room a thorough cleaning so that it would cut down on the dust, and hopefully his asthma.
Friday night I made a pan of cheese enchiladas and took over to Kyleigh and Keaton, along with some Rice Krispie treats.
Friday I also spent a lot of time trying to line up a sprinkler repair guy. I don't think I have a problem with a sprinkler head, but think it is one of the pipes underneath the ground. There is water I think soaking into my neighbor's yard. Apparently sprinkler repair guys are booked out 2 weeks. I finally was able to locate someone to come out on Monday. I turned off the sprinklers in that location but it is still oozing.
Saturday night I took Keaton to Red Robin which we used to go to all the time. I am so clueless, I ordered a Wedgie burger. A Wedgie burger is a burger that uses lettuce as the bun. It was okay, I probably didn't need the bread anyway, but they had some really good zucchini fries. After dropping off Keaton and coming back home, the temperature was still 104 degrees. It has been in the 100's all this week. I try to get my gardening done first thing in the morning, otherwise it is impossible.
I have 2 Amaranth plants growing out of my brick patio. My naked ladies have also been in bloom, the pink flowers.
As a reminder, the Orange You Glad Blog Hop starts Monday, which also happens to be my day. This is hosted by Carla @ Creatin in the Sticks. Hope you can stop by.
Thanks for stopping by!