Sunday, May 26, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 It's been another busy week.  This week was workday at my house for Community 
Service for my guild.  We  got some quilt tops ready for the longarmers, cutting the batting and binding.  We have no pin basting day in June.  The church we have our guild meetings at has an event on the day we usually have our guild meeting, so guild meeting has been moved to the week before, which is our pin basting day.  This next week we have a 5th Wednesday, and will have a 5 hour workday.  We decided to put together some kits for workday.

I have been busy since the workday at my house putting together some potato chip block quilt kits.  These are a modified potato chip block, by Conquering Mt. Scrapmore With Brenda.Conquering Mt. Scrapmore With Brenda.    I already had a bunch of components cut out, but cut out more.  Instead of using 2 rectangles for the center, I am using a 4.5 inch block. I put together enough for 4 quilt kits.  Each quilt has 12 blocks, 17 units in each block=816 pieces all together, not including the borders.

This is what my kitchen counter looked like.

Several months ago, a member of our guild, who had been making kits gave me three boxes of scraps, and I have been cutting these up.  I still have these left.  

This week I also finished the redwork cats.  Our guild mini group is going to be making a redwork quilt for next year's quilt show, which is red and white quilts.  

I've gotten a bit of gardening done this week.  I still have some beds to clean out in the back yard.  

I have this hollyhock coming up in the bricks in the side yard, and it started blooming.  

For Slow Sunday Stitching this week I will be working on this Kathy Schmitz stitchery.  

I'll be linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

I found this the other day on Instagram.  

Thanks for stopping by!  

Sunday, May 19, 2024

On the Road Again Blog Hop Challenge Starts Today, My Day


May -On The Road Again Logo.jpg

Today is the start of the On The Road Again Blog Hop Challenge, hosted by the fabulous Carol @Just Let Me Quilt.  Thanks so much Carol for the opportunity to participate in another of your fun challenges.

The Challenge: May starts the summer of travel, so where would you like to go?   Make something showing transportation vehicles (cars, planes, buses, etc), summer fun or a place you'd like to travel to.  

When my husband was alive, our adventures always involved sailing or houseboating or toward the end we had a motor home and we had some nice travels with that.  My husband was always a sailor, from the time I first met him in 1972.  In 1975 we sailed from San Diego to Catalina after taking a celestial navigation class.  

When we moved to Northern California he started making sailboats.  He ended up making 7 boats.  

The biggest was a 27 foot, two-masted sailboat which we took all around Northern California with our two daughters, camping on the boat.  

He also made a small little sailboat we could just do day sailing.

Later he built a houseboat we also took all over Northern California.  

For the On the Road Again Challenge, my thought was to make a table runner, because I have never made myself a table runner.  I looked on Embroidery Library and various other places to see if I could find a gnome sailing a boat, but was unable to come up with anything.  

So I found some gnome designs on the road and enjoying themselves in various activities, bicycling, motorcycling, camping, and hiking.  I also cut out "On The Road Again" with my 
Cricut and iron on vinyl. 

Our quilt show was last week, so I was not able to get it quilted, but the top is done.  

Be sure and visit the other bloggers in the challenge, the full list is below.  Thanks again to Carol, this was a fun challenge, and brought back some wonderful memories!

Slow Sunday Stitching, Long Post, Photo Heavy

It's been a very busy week.  We had our guild meeting on Wednesday.  Then Thursday afternoon evening we set up for our annual quilt show.  Friday and Saturday were the quilt show, and then Saturday take down.  

I worked all three days, not as much as some people but my foot was bothering me.  I found out several weeks ago I have plantar fasciitis and am undergoing treatment, but the pain gets worse in the afternoons.  

These are the quilts I entered this year.  Ella Maria Deacon

Mrs. Brown's quilt, this I made in the early 2000's and was quilted by Bonnie Hunter when she was quilting for others.

The Blessings Quilt which is for my friend June.  She came to the quilt show on Saturday.

And lastly my challenge quilt for this year, theme of which was things that you love or are passionate about.   The top one is mine.

These are some of the other beautiful quilts in our show.  This will be our opportunity quilt for 2025.  Next year our theme is red and white quilts.

This is a one block wonder quilt by my co-chair of community service quilts, Cathy

This quilt guild member was being a white glove person, and got a kick out of this sign.  There were chains between the Sunbonnet Sues so she put her hand between the chains.  

The following are a few of the Presidents Quilts we have made for outgoing presidents of our guild.  

Last week I did finish this redwork cat.  Our mini group next year is going to make a red and white redwork quilt for our show. 

This is what I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching.  After this I have one more cat to go.  The blue marks seem to be disappearing so I need to get these done in the next couple of days.  

I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Be sure and check out what everyone is working on.  

Also Monday is the start of the On The Road Again Blog Hop Challenge, and also happens to be my day.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

ScrapHappy May

It’s again time for showing off our scrap projects!  ScrapHappy is open to anyone using up scraps of anything – no new materials. It can be a quilt block, pincushion, bag or hat, jewelry, dolls, socks or a sculpture.   Anything made of scraps is eligible.

If you'd like to join us and use up your scrap collection, instead of sitting around in bags, etc, why not join us on the 15th of each month? Either e-mail Kate at the address on her Contact Me page, or leave a comment on her Scrap Happy Post.

You can also contact Gun via her blog to join. We welcome new members, and you don’t have to worry about making a long-term commitment or even join in every month. Regular contributors receive an e-mail reminder at least three days before the event.  

The past several months I have had a lot going on, getting ready for our quilt show that happens this week.  

I did take time out and have completed the top for my grandson's graduation from high school which is coming up.  

This is a picture of him and his date for senior prom this last weekend.  

For his graduation quilt I used flannel scraps and printed pictures of the family dogs on fabric and made wonky stars.  The plain flannel blocks were not scraps though, but all the star blocks were made from scraps.  

My scrap basket had gotten pretty full lately.   While my embroidery machine was stitching out some big motifs that took several hours, I spent the time ironing and sorting out all of the scraps in the basket.  I sorted out according to color or projects I have them planned for.

And my basket is empty again.  

Here are the links for everyone who joins ScrapHappy from time to time.  

KateGun, EvaSue, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Tracy, Jan
Moira, SandraChrisAlys,
Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue LVera, 
Ann, Dawn 2, Carol, Preeti,
NóilinVivKarrin, Amo, Alissa,
Lynn, Tierney and Hannah

Monday, May 13, 2024

On The Road Again Blog Hop Challenge


May -On The Road Again Logo.jpg

Next week is the start of the On The Road Again Blog Hop Challenge, hosted by the fabulous Carol @Just Let Me Quilt.

The Challenge: May starts the summer of travel, so where would you like to go?   Make something showing transportation vehicles (cars, planes, buses, etc), summer fun or a place you'd like to travel to.  

The schedule is below.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching, Happy Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there.  My daughters are both busy on Mother's Day, but I did get to spend time with daughter Kristen on Saturday evening and brought two new succulents with adorable pots.  

Katie came over earlier in the week and dropped off a beautiful new orchid earlier in the week.  

I took a picture last week of one of my older orchids that has rebloomed and it is just beautiful.  

The past couple of weeks have been really busy.  First was preparation for the neighborhood garage sale.  I had some silver items up in the attic for at least 20 years I wanted to attempt to sell.  It took me 3 whole days to polish it up.  It started out looking like this.

This is what it cleaned up to be.  There are actually 2 candelabra but two of the scone things have become undone in the years upstairs.  

This was the day of the garage sale.  

I did Okay, people bought a lot of daughter Katie's items, and I sold two bikes and a LaCrosse net for daughter Kristen.  But the silverplate items did not sell.  I am thinking about selling them to a pawn broker, my daughters aren't interested in keeping them.  

Also last week I cut out some motifs on my Cricut that grandson Jaeger designed for his sister Kyleigh.  She ran a 1/2 marathon yesterday in Yosemite.  She ran with 3 of her nurse coworkers.  

This past couple of weeks I also finished the top of grandson Keaton's graduation quilt with the family dogs.

This week I attended my quilt guild mini group.  Our theme for next year's quilt show is going to be red and white quilts.  So my mini group is going to make a redwork quilt and we were each given packets with 3 cats to embroider.  

I have also been working on some of my Kathy Schmitz's embroideries with bees.

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching is this bee stitchery of Kathy Schmitz.   I will also be working on the redwork cat.

I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Head on over and check out what people are working on.  

Thanks for stopping by!