Sunday, May 26, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 It's been another busy week.  This week was workday at my house for Community 
Service for my guild.  We  got some quilt tops ready for the longarmers, cutting the batting and binding.  We have no pin basting day in June.  The church we have our guild meetings at has an event on the day we usually have our guild meeting, so guild meeting has been moved to the week before, which is our pin basting day.  This next week we have a 5th Wednesday, and will have a 5 hour workday.  We decided to put together some kits for workday.

I have been busy since the workday at my house putting together some potato chip block quilt kits.  These are a modified potato chip block, by Conquering Mt. Scrapmore With Brenda.Conquering Mt. Scrapmore With Brenda.    I already had a bunch of components cut out, but cut out more.  Instead of using 2 rectangles for the center, I am using a 4.5 inch block. I put together enough for 4 quilt kits.  Each quilt has 12 blocks, 17 units in each block=816 pieces all together, not including the borders.

This is what my kitchen counter looked like.

Several months ago, a member of our guild, who had been making kits gave me three boxes of scraps, and I have been cutting these up.  I still have these left.  

This week I also finished the redwork cats.  Our guild mini group is going to be making a redwork quilt for next year's quilt show, which is red and white quilts.  

I've gotten a bit of gardening done this week.  I still have some beds to clean out in the back yard.  

I have this hollyhock coming up in the bricks in the side yard, and it started blooming.  

For Slow Sunday Stitching this week I will be working on this Kathy Schmitz stitchery.  

I'll be linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

I found this the other day on Instagram.  

Thanks for stopping by!  


  1. You are as busy as a bee, Karrin. =) That certainly is a lot of cutting. A hollyhock growing in a crack in the brick path??!! That's amazing! Hollyhocks are the one flower that doesn't seem to grow in my garden. They always get rust and turn up their toes.

  2. I tried growing Hollyhocks once and they barely came up. I hope they don't damage your pavers

  3. That's a great scrappy block for a group to make! And lots of cutting for you! I like your beehive embroidery! I should see if I have one of those to work on, too. Happy Sunday, Karrin!

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Those potato chip blocks seem to be trending right now! I will have to make some! Great idea to use a 4.5” square in the middle. Gail at the cozy quilter

  5. Sharon6:20 AM

    Always so many wonderful projects in the works. Loving the red work cats! and that bee hive block ~ cute! Enjoy your crafty coming week :)

  6. So many great things. I do love that Potato Chip quilt! What a fun way to use up scraps and what a job you did cutting them all! I am giving some to the assisted living activities person because I don't do it, but I am keeping some precut sizes and will work with those, when I need scraps.
