Sunday, June 02, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

It was another incredibly busy week.   Wednesday was our 5th Wednesday workday for our community service at our guild.  We emptied 3 bins of pin-basted quilts this time, people worked on them at workday and some took them home to complete.  There were those that also took all of my four potato chip quilt kits.  I will have to get more made up, I still have plenty of pieces cut out.  

Thursday I had some sprinkler work done so that my vegetable garden is now watered automatically.

This week's sewing was quilting and binding grandson Keaton's graduation quilt.  

My garden is blooming all over the place, but I still have a major portion of the back garden to weed and sort out.  I need to move some iris and naked lady bulbs to other locations as they have multiplied dramatically along with the foxgloves.  These are front garden.  

Friday night was grandson Keaton's graduation from high school.  These were his graduation pictures.

These were pictures from graduation night.

                                                 Keaton and the grandparents

                                                                  His family acting silly


                                                          My daughters, Kristen and Katie

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching is my Kathy Schmitz bee stitchery.  I am almost finished, just need to complete the bee.  

I'll be linking up to Kathy's Quilts Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!  


  1. Congratulations to Keaton ! What wonderful photos of the big day. Keaton's quilt looks amazing. Have a blessed day.

  2. You have a lovely family, Keaton looks like a sweet grandson. It's surprising how fast the grandchildren grow up. Enjoy stitching the bee today!

  3. so nice to enjoy a graduation - now on to the next step for him a job and/or school - good luck to him

  4. You will have that bee done in no time!

  5. Keaton's graduation looks like it was a fun and joyful time! The graduation quilt you made him is wonderful - I've never seen one made with photos like that, but it's such a great idea. Your flower gardens are really pretty, too! Enjoy your stitching today, Karrin!

  6. Beautiful family pictures. Good luck to your grandson on his future endeavours.

  7. Congrats to your Grandson on his graduation.

  8. Such a fine looking grandson, has he made plans for the next step in his life?
