Saturday, June 08, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

This week my youngest granddaughter Klara had a little play at school, depicting the gold rush in California.  Klara had a lead part, as one of the narrators of the play, and she memorized her lines like a champ!   The students were all dressed up in period costumes for the era.

Our weather in Northern California the past several weeks  has been in the 90's and 100's.  I was able to get out into one of my flower beds.  It has gotten overgrown since the winter.  I knew I had a bunch of bulbs in there, iris and naked lady bulbs and they have replicated like crazy.  So I pulled them up.   I am going to replant the naked ladies, but the iris I am giving away.  Those two boxes of bulbs came out of that tiny area.  

I still have another area to clean out, that also has foxgloves in it.  

But everything else is blooming including my hydrangeas.

My vegetable garden is thriving also.  I have harvested 2 zucchini and one crookneck squash.  

My daughter Kristen has a new boxer puppy named Roxy that is the cutest little thing.  I have seen her 3 times this week.  This is my son-in-law Jeff and it is his puppy.  He had a boxer that passed away several years ago.  

This past week I as able to get my Kathy Schmitz bee stitchery done, and one of the Woven Wreaths.  

For Slow Sunday Stitching I will be working on another of the Woven Wreaths.  I am catching up, and after I finish up this one, I have one more for June and I will be caught up.

I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wish it was hot here. =) So you have a thespian in the family. Klara looks wonderful dressed in her costume for the play. Your hydrangeas are flowering wonderfully; such pretty colours. Love the tree with the orange/red flowers in your yard. What is it?? Enjoy your slow stitching and your sunny, hot days. I'm sitting here in front of the fire trying to keep warm. =)

  2. Your hydrangea flowers are beautiful! Your stitcheries are very pretty, happy stitching!

  3. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous!

  4. Your hydrangeas are so pretty! They must like that hot weather. I really like the Woven Wreaths in red! Looks like they are coming along nicely. Enjoy your stitching today, Karrin!

  5. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Always lovely stitching going on at your place. So fun to go and see the play too. What a cute puppy! Gail at the Cozy quilter
