Another three weeks have passed since the last check-in for the Hand Quilt Along. I haven't really done much in the way of handwork in the past three weeks.
I have been working on clearing out/cleaning up the garage as I have accepted the position as co-chair of the Community Service in my quilt guild. This will involve storing bins of fabric and supplies that we use to make community service quilts.
The garage was my husband's workshop for probably 35 years. I have been slowly selling/getting rid of tools, wood, etc. When John passed away last year, the garage was filled 3/4 full with all his stuff, and sawdust was in the corners just like he left it. I have some tools for my personal use, but not the big heavy woodworking tools. Last Saturday I had pretty much taken care of everything so I blew out the rafters of sawdust and cobwebs. I had purchased a mat to go across part of the garage. The floor is filled with dried glue blobs and paint when he made his projects. So the mat covers the part the Community Service supplies will go on. The guild has metal shelves that will come over to my house too. When I accepted the position, I said I would be finished by the end of July. Since I am done, Joanne whose position I am taking wants to move the stuff over in two weeks after the next workday at her house. So I am ready. Here is my cleaned out garage.

One hand sewing project was the binding on Cali's graduation quilt. She is my grandson Jaeger's girlfriend. I attended the graduation party at her house last Saturday with her friends and family. I met her great-grandmother who is a delightful character.
This was the quilt I made Cali and the label. She loves elephants and I found an elephant panel.
I had quite a busy week last week, with the guild board meeting, a workday at the library right across the street from my home. We pin baste community service quilts so they will be ready to pass out the guild meeting next week, or the work day at the end of the month.
Friday I had my mini quilt group where we do handwork and chat, a lot! I worked on one of my Ella Maria Deacon blocks. This will be what I will be hand stitching this week.
Check out the other Hand Quilt Along Links below.Hand Quilt Along Links
This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another. If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.
Kathy, Margaret, Deb, Nanette, Sharon, Karrin, Daisy and Tracy
I will also be linking up for Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts. Head on over there and check out what others are up to!
My brother Bill and SIL Char are here for a few days, on their way to Oregon, and they came bearing gifts. My brother took John's lathe, which started him off on his woodturning adventure. He has been making beautifully turned bowls, platters, and other items. He is up to over 100 pieces.
Bill made this platter for me and Char decorated it with this gnome, and created cute little hats for every month of the year. They are held on by magnets. She also created the little gnome out of a mushroom bought at the dollar store.
This little bowl had defects in the wood, but I think it gives it character. Bill has such beautiful finishes to all his wood pieces, you just keep wanting to run your hands over them.
When Char and I took apart John's last boat last year, Char took home several of the portholes and said she was going to create something out of them. It took several of them to put together this piece. She wrapped it all with twine, and inserted a picture of us sailing.
Thanks for stopping by!