Moira, Susan, Gail, and Candi .
This is the whole stocking after I had finished.

And this is the section I worked on. I added the Christmas tree, the holly, the feather stitch, and I decorated the white lace. I also added some green wreaths above that lace.
As far as the room redo, it is done. I have everything beautifully organized, LOL, and only have to add my art work back to the walls, and I wanted to repot my orchids before I put them back in the window. Then to cleaning up the guest room, and a major rehaul for my sewing room.
I need to make a trip to Goodwill. I also intend to make a little valance for the window. So relieved to have this behind me. Now I can have fun!
Your work is so lovely. I especially loved your wreaths and hollies:) They look so pretty.