I had been really, really, really hoping to get a transfer to a different department at work, but I was not one of the five considered because of seniority. And I was really disappointed and it somehow made my Mojo disappear for awhile.
Nothing has changed, I am still hoping to transfer out of my department at work. Still applying for positions and hoping I can have more seniority than somebody so I can make the transfer.
We did have a really nice vacation 2 weeks ago. We took a trip to Yellowstone National Park and spent several days there. Got some great pics of buffalo, long horn sheep, mule deer and saw Old Faithful and many other geysers spouting. We were on our way home, camping in Nevada, when we got a call from our daughter Kristen, stating Maidu Park, which is across the street from us was on fire. It is a 150 acre park, and 30 acres burnt that day. It was a very windy day, and 4 houses across from the park caught on fire. We live about 1/2 to 3/4 mile from where the fire was. Kristen called, telling us our house was safe. We had planned to stay a night in Reno, but after hearing about the fire, I just wanted to come home. I still had 4 more days of vacation, so I just relaxed at home.
Yesterday afternoon, after chatting with NickiLee on Words with Friends, she asked me if I wanted to participate with her in a private CQ block swap, and I agreed. She spurred me into heading into my sewing room and I put on some tunes and pieced 2 Boho tops. This morning I plan to piece 2 cell phone cases, and a block for a private swap with NickiLee.
Yesterday's mail brought Sharon B's Crazy Quilting Stencils. They are absolutely wonderful. I love how sturdy they are, and can't wait to start using them. I had downloaded the booklets when I ordered and got them laminated and spiral-bound at my local copier place.
Anyway back to piecing and I hope to have something to show in a couple of days.
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