Monday, March 24, 2025

SAHRR 2025


I participated again this year in the Stay At Home Round Robin,  hosted by Gail @Quilting Gail.  This was my 5th year of participating in this, and I look forward to it every year.  I generally donate these quilts to my guild's Community Service.  

This year I started out with 4 blocks that were donated at my guild.  One lady gave me a bunch of birdhouse blocks, and another lady had stitched some cute little primitive ladies holding birdhouses.  It started out rather large, so some of the rows 
this year I combined so it would not get too large.  

I showed it this past week at our guild meeting.  I knew that Penny, our designated
photographer would get a good picture.

Many thanks to each of the co-hosts for their input each week of what to add to our quilts:

I'll be linking up @Quilting Gail where you can see the parade of quilts that everyone has done.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Oh that quilt turned out so nice! Daryl~ at gmail dot com

  2. A great way to use those donated “birdhouse themed blocks”. It is really beautiful

  3. What a fantastic finish!! I love how you put the donation blocks to good use! Someone is sure to love it!! Thank you for joining in the SAHRR '25 and for linking to the Parade!

  4. Everything about your quilt looks perfect and very pretty.
