I will send a little creative gift to the first 5 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this Pay It Forward gift exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet but you'll be getting a little ray of sunshine coming to your post box soon, that's my promise!
The only thing you have to do in return is to pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. Once you leave your comment, copy and paste the above paragraph on your blog and 5 lucky people will be recipients of your creative work.
While you are doing this small exchange, think of how you can do more to pay it forward and help someone in your community or someone across the world who could definitely use a bit of kindness or your help in standing tall once again.
Let's all Pay it Forward!
Karrin, I would love to swap with you. I did the pay it forward last year, with mixed results, so I don't want to post it again on my blog. I would love to have something from you, and to make something for you, though!