This was the end of this round robin for me. These are Lauri's under the sea blocks. This was the block I worked on. In this block at the bottom under the lobster, I crocheted a sea anemone and added some of Rengin's magnificent oyas (the flowers).
All of Lauri's blocks are being mailed home to her today, and she has 1 left to embellish herself.

This was the block that Lisa worked on, I loved her octopus. Sorry I was wrong, as my DD pointed out this is a jellyfish.

This was the block that Peggy worked on, I am not sure if she has a blog or not. I really loved her beaded mermaid.

This was the block that Lyn worked on. I really liked that giant squid and her cute little fish charms.

This is the block that Pam worked on. Pam has had quite a time recently with medical problems
and had sent off her poor octopus with 3 legs, she realized after looking at a photo of it, and asked
me to put some more on. I really loved her shell garden and snail and netting.