Sunday, July 21, 2024


Last week just seemed to whiz by.  I had Begonia meeting on Tuesday night.  I have been nominated to be the Sunshine Committee next year which involves sending cards to those who are ill or have had surgery.  

Wednesday was guild meeting.  We had quite a few quilts finished for our Community Service.  

This past week I have been working on my Something Smells Fishy Project.  

Thursday afternoon after running some errands, my car started acting like it had no power about a mile from home.  Luckily I made it into my driveway.  Son-in-law Jeff, and grandson Jaeger came over to check it out and I have a bad alternator.  The next day I had AAA tow it to the mechanics, and hopefully I will have it back on Monday.  

Another thing  I did this week was take some of my multitude of tomatoes and make some Bruschetta in a Jar.  These are the last two I have.  I have given 3 away.  It was pretty tasty.  

There were some interesting cloud formations on my walk this week.

Friday I was supposed to attend an event called Petal to the Metal.   A number of quilters were going to get together to sew quilt tops all day.  The quilts were going to benefit fire victims in two of our local hospitals.  They want to give 150 quilts at Christmas to burn victims in the hospital.  I wasn't able to attend because my car was in the shop.  The quilts tops were already cut out, they were going to provide lunch and prizes.  I was sorry to miss, but told them I would donate a couple of tops myself.  

At a guild meeting recently I picked up a baggie that said piano keys, 2-1/2 x 4.5, so I decided to make potato chip blocks.  I have them in various stages of completion.  

For Slow Sunday Stitching this week, I am still working on my Kathy Schmitz and redwork projects.  

I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I wish I had your energy, Karrin. You always get so much done in a week. I bet the Bruschetta is yummy! Have a blessed day.

  2. I'm glad you made it home safely into your driveway! Your redwork is very pretty, happy stitching!

  3. I love the Mermaid at the top of your blog. Fabulous!

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Good that you made it home! Those potato chip blocks are addictive, just like the potato chips we eat. I love that beehive embroidery! Gail at the cozy quilter

  5. The mermaid quilt in your header photo is fabulous! I have some of that border fabric in my stash - it's a favorite. So sorry to hear about your car and that you had to miss the sew day. The bruschetta in a jar sounds yummy! Enjoy your stitching today!

  6. Sharon11:55 AM

    Such a lovely week despite the car trouble. Thankful it wasn't anything worse :)

  7. Anonymous2:31 PM

    You always have some great projects on the go. Hope your car is sorted out soon. Sarah quilting by the sea

  8. You will need your car to attend all those meetings, Karrin. =) I'd love to attend Begonia meetings as that would be fun and informative. Those potato chip blocks are cute and how wonderful to donate quilts to the burns unit. Enjoy stitching your pretties , today.

  9. Glad to hear that the car woes weren’t too terrible.

  10. You have had a busy week indeed. I do like your new blog header, such a pretty mermaid. Is that a tattoo on her arm?

  11. Wow Karrin, you are one busy woman! Your "fishy" top will be lovely, and I'm wondering if having no wheels for a few days might offer you a bit more time to relax, and enjoy those beautiful loud formations. Thanks
