Sunday, October 13, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 Another fun-filled week has passed.  I knew that my grandson Jaeger was coming home from college for 4 days, and I had a project I wanted him to help me with.  I have had this idea in my head about making another flower garden.  I needed to prep part of the area first, taking out some old cinder blocks, and relocating some plants temporarily.  Thursday Jaeger met me at Home Depot with a truck and helped me pick up these retaining wall stones, although I am standing them up so they have a decorative edge.  

I am so happy my garden is finally laid out, now I can bring in the soil myself, and start my planting.  I have a lot of naked lady bulbs I dug up from another garden bed, and I also have a peony in a pot I will be able to put in the ground now.  Our weather is cooling off a bit now, am looking forward to low 80 degree, and high 70's so I will be able to work outside more.  

This week was also basting day for Community Service, and I had lunch with my friend Jandra.  We got to visit our favorite shop that is open for a week once a month called Gypsy Chic.  It is like a vintage thrift store and it changes with the seasons.  This month was fall/Halloween items.  

Friday was a family picnic day at my granddaughter Klara's school.  I took lunch over at her grade's assigned time, it was a good lunch.  

This week I also worked on various sewing/embroidery projects.  Witch Hazel is finished, but I will wait to reveal until the Something Wicked Blog Hop next week.  I also worked on these blocks for another secret project.  

I am also going to try to start this poncho again.  I am an extremely slow knitter but I am going to try again.  My granddaughter Kyleigh asked me to make this a couple of years ago, and I started it once, and got it messed up and I ripped it out.  I am going to try again.  

Saturday was my birthday, and my family that was in town took me to Half Moon Bay for the day.  I love the ocean, and am happiest there.  Granddaughter Kyleigh had to work, and grandson Keaton is still back east at college.  

We had a wonderful day, with a scrumptious lunch at Barb's Fish Trap.  We stopped by our favorite succulent place, and they took me to the orchid nursery.  We spent the afternoon at the beach which was fun.  

These are the plants that came home with me, the succulents and my orchids.

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching is my knitting, and Woven Wreaths for October.  I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. how nice doing things with family sounds like you had the perfect week. your garden will be perfect I have naked lady bulbs that I would love to dig up but the ground is hard as a rock with such little rain this year - The spade I was using bent when I was trying to get them up - needless to say I gave up - I will try again another time. your plants and time with the family look perfect. Your knitting sounds like mine - I knit and rip and occasionally finish!

  2. What a treat to get to spend so much time with your grandchildren!

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Happy birthday! Looks like a fun celebration!

  4. Happy Birthday! All birthdays are so special and should be celebrated in style, I believe. You had a wonderful birthday surrounded by family, what could be better.

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, lovely Karrin. A trip to Half Moon Bay sounds like the perfect way to celebrate. I remember driving past Half Moon Bay enroute to Carmel By The, so picturesque. I would love to visit an orchid nursery...could be dangerous though. =) I just know that Kayleigh's poncho will be worn by her this year. =) Happy knitting.

  6. Happy Birthday, Karrin! The ocean is my happy place, too - I'm glad you got to go there for your birthday. Hope you're having a lovely Sunday and making some progress on that knitting project!

  7. Sharon4:38 PM

    Happy Birthday! Beautiful weather, beautiful family, beautiful celebration!
