We had Barbara, and her husband Alan over for dinner Saturday night, and I presented her with my January TIF challenge. She was thrilled with it, and the funny thing was, which you really cannot see in this picture, the colors of her T-shirt matched the challenge!

In answer to Lea's question the other day about the rooster blocks, this is a BOM by
Maggie Walker . This I started some years ago.
This is the bottom section of the quilt below.

A Country Journal Quilt
This is the whole quilt. I have all the roosters and chickens done except the center big guy and the top berry portion. I had put it away and not worked on it for awhile, and took the berry section out to work on it, from which I had all my pieces traced and placement on the background, and the markings had disappeared. So I need to do that over again, got discouraged and put it back in the container. I do need to finish this. I have too much work invested in it already to just leave it. Those berries are itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny!