Sunday, April 16, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

This was a relatively non-busy week, with the exception of basting day.  I had plenty of time to finish up quilting my Father Christmas quilt.  This is one of my entries in our quilt guild show which starts this next Friday.  I am pretty pleased with the way it came out.  I just need to make a label and it will be ready.  

I extensively quilt it, and at times my shoulder and back and neck started cramping up on me. This was a 1995 BOM by Laurene Sinema called Father Christmas.  She was the founder of Arizona Quilter's Guild.  For 25 years she owned the Quilted Apple Shop in Phoenix, Arizona.  In 1998 I went to a quilt convention in Phoenix and met Susan Nixon @Desertsky Quilts.  I bought one or two of the above BOM, and then when I got home I asked Susan if she would go get the rest of them for me.   I started this around 1999 with the guy up in the right hand corner, and he hung around my sewing room lonely until around 2018 when I started working on a few blocks at a time.  I finally completed the top in 2020.  Now it is finally finished, I am thrilled!

With all of our "atmospheric river" storms recently my yard was a mess, especially the back yard.  I was finally able to get out and mow the lawn.   It took two days to do this much weeding and mowing.  I still need to weed my flower beds and put vegetation killer in my front sections that I had redone last fall.  Apparently the guys that took out my grass didn't put black plastic under the bark, and I have crabgrass coming up all over the place.  

This is the side yard, that dandelion in the corner was almost 5' tall and had to be cut with a branch cutter.

This was where John used to build his boats and is undeveloped.  

After pictures, looks a lot better.

I have a lot of nice flowers blooming including the wisteria.  

I mistakenly called this peony before, but it is a Ranunculus.   My peonies haven't bloomed yet and it will be awhile as they frozen late last year.  

The other thing I have been doing is working on Missouri Star's block of the month. 

I am trying to get the first month done as I received month two on Saturday.

I apparently wasn't paying attention and did this.

That section on the right bottom, should be going in like the left side.  I got it straightened out, but decided it was probably time to stop for the night.  

What I will be working on this week for Slow Sunday Stitching will be my  Gnome block of month.  The one on the left needs a few finishing touches, and then will finish up the one on the right.  I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.    Head on over and check out what everyone is up to.

This week will be a particularly busy one.  Tuesday night is our Begonia Society meeting, and it is my month to bring refreshments.  Wednesday is our guild meeting.  Thursday I will be working to help set up our quilt show.  Friday and Saturday I am also working at the show, and takedown Saturday evening.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, I love wisteria! I wish I could grow it.

  2. Didn't get a chance to comment before but I do love your Winter Blues piece. Now how wonderful to have your Father Christmases all done and dusted. It is a real keepsake of a piece. I like how you are keeping up with your BOM's too. And my, how wonderful your garden is looking already. Love seeing all that green!

  3. Those gnome blocks just make me smile!

  4. Congratulations on finishing Father Christmas, Karrin! It's amazing! I think your yard and flowers look wonderful. Hope all that moisture holds for you for awhile - you don't want to be too hot and dry, but you don't want too much moisture, either, right?! Enjoy your stitching today!

  5. So much work done this week!😅

  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    That sewing machine quilt is going to be big! Lovely spool block! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  7. Busy week ahead! Laurene would be so pleased to see those Santas finished. I think it's beautiful! All your plans sound good, and I'm so happy you are active in so many things. It helps a little with the missing. Your yard looks great, and I've never seen a dandelion grow tall before, thanks for sharing that. Of course, at your house, everything grows into something beautiful. =)

  8. Father Christmas is beautiful as is your yard and flowers! Enjoy your week.

  9. Such a lot of wonderful Father Christmases. It's a beautiful quilt indeed, congratulations.
