Sunday, April 30, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

This week was a slower pace than recent ones.  The first part of the week I spent cleaning house and working in the yard in preparation for Community Service work day at my house.    I had some turkey visitors this week, they were busy checking out my yard when I was trying to water the front section.  Weather has been in the high 80's to 90's this week, so maybe they were trying to cool off.  

After the community service workday at my house, I got my sewing things back out in the kitchen and dining room.   But then I didn't feel like doing anything.  

I just sort of took it easy the rest of the week, dreading Saturday the second anniversary of John's death.  I read several books and did some puzzles on my I-pad.    I did work a bit on my Ella Maria Deacon blocks and finished one block and started another.  

Saturday daughter Katie and granddaughter Katie came over and spent the day with me.  We did some retail therapy at our favorite nursery.  I purchased some more flowers, and pieces for my drip irrigation units.  I found two of my units shooting water straight up in the air.  So hopefully I purchased the right parts.  We had lunch at a favorite cafe.   We also went over to daughter Kristen's house later on,  as Katie and Klara had not met the new pup Hank yet..

Kristen, SIL Jeff and I went out for frozen yogurt afterwards.   They had all sorts of toppings to use.  Next week one of the flavors is going to be banana pudding.  

For Slow Sunday Stitching this week I will be working on my Ella Maria Deacon blocks.  I have one half done and another prepared.  I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. you have such a loving family! you are lucky to have them

  2. Take things a little easier was the right thing to do. Sending you some love and hugs.

  3. Your blocks are looking great. Those turkey's are always fun to see.

  4. You have such a lovely and supportive family - sounds like they knew just what you needed, Karrin. Sending you a quilty hug! Love the turkey photos, too - how fun to see them right in your yard!

  5. I understand the dread of that difficult day, Karrin. How wonderful that you were able to spend the day with your family as well as spend some quiet time for yourself as well. Sending you a gentle hug.

  6. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Some days are just darn tougher than others, love that you could all be together - it's tough for everyone.... those blocks are fabulous and the turkeys- can't say I ever saw one so enjoyed the photos. Have a good week :)

  7. Anonymous5:24 PM

    So good to be surrounded by family at times like this. One day at a time. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  8. I was thinking about the Deacon blocks the other day. I think I have 6-7 of the pieced ones done. Yours look gorgeous, of course! It sounds like you did just what you needed to do for you. Your daughter and granddaughter look so much alike!

  9. I can't imagine your sadness on Saturday - so glad you had your loving daughter and granddaughter with you on the day you dreaded. The turkeys are beautiful! I love frozen yogurt with all the toppings. Hope you have a good week.

  10. That is a gorgeous Deacon block you made. Also a stunning header there Karrin. Beautiful photos of a beautiful family too. So happy you spent the day surround by love.
