Sunday, September 15, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

It was another busy week, and unfortunately no sewing or quilting got done.  My heat pump is still out, with our weather last week has been in the 100's, to high 90s.  Tuesday the Home Warranty HVAC guy came out, and after 10 minutes looking at the fan blade, the company determined this was not normal wear and tear and they weren't paying anything.  I had the number of an HVAC company one of my Begonia Society friends had used and recommended, and they came out a couple of hours later, and have ordered a new fan blade, which hopefully will arrive early next week, and I will have A/C again.

Due to it being 85+ in the house, even with fans, I didn't feel the urge or motivation to  to sew.  I mostly binge read last week.  I read about 10 of Joan DeMaio's Seaside Saga series.  I think I am caught up now.  

I have also been having a problem with the tire sensors in my car.  I had 2 replaced last year before I got my new tires.  The sensor indicator came on again 3 weeks ago.  So I made an appointment at Costco to have my tires rotated, and 2 more sensors put in.   Then a week later the indicator went off again, and I took it to a tire place across from my SIL's used car lot.  They told me nothing was wrong, but Costco had put on my spare upside down so you couldn't read the sensor.  They fixed that.  Then 2 days later it went off again, and I drove my car back 17 miles over to the same place.  Apparently when Costco put the new sensor in they damaged my 2008 spare tire.  So I need to drive back over next week to get a new spare tire, or a fixed one.

All of this stuff has sort of got me down.

Saturday, I went with my two daughters and some of her coworkers for the hospital system she works with down to the American Heart Association walk.  My husband John had heart disease so I was happy to do it.  We went for a really nice brunch afterwards.

We got some really nice turquoise T-shirts.  

My garden sadly needs a lot of work done.  It has been too blasted hot to do much.  My hydrangeas this year didn't bloom much at all because of the heat.  

I planted Mexican Sunflowers from seed and this one is huge.

I was able to repot my new begonias and arrange them by my front door.

This begonia is planted in the ground.  It died off a little bit from frost last year, but came back very nicely.

The plant next to the coleus is a begonia called Freddie.

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching is Witch Hazel.  

I'll be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!  

Sunday, September 08, 2024

HQAL, Slow Sunday Stitching, Long Post

It has been a busy, jam-packed couple of weeks.  After the It's a Jungle Blog Hop on July 19th, it there was guild meeting.  We presented our guild president Linda Jo with her President's quilt.  She had Sunbonnet Sue blocks from a previous presidency members had made her and asked that it be made into a quilt and quilted.  When she was a girl her grandmother made her a Sunbonnet Sue quilt, and after her grandmother died, her uncle gave it away.

We also presented quilts to a Native American Father's group.  One of our members hand pieced these star quilts.  

The day after there was our guild's 4-day Day Camp.  We take all our stuff over to a Veteran's Hall and set up, and are able to leave things for the 4 days.  You can attend 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. if you wish.  A simple dinner is served.  I didn't stay that late though.  This is one of the quilts that one of our members finished.

This is another one

This was what I started and finished.  Our guild challenged us several months ago to make a three yard quilt.  We got to chose a bundle of three yards, and we are due to bring them back in October and they will go to Community Service.  I hope to get mine quilted this next week.

The next weekend daughter Kristen, her husband Jeff, myself, and granddaughter Kyleigh and her fiance Drew went to Naggiar Vineyards to see Steve Waddington (a Neil Diamond cover).  I have seen 22 Neil Diamond Concerts and my daughter, granddaughter and I know the words to almost all the songs.  We had a great time, and got some great pictures.  Too bad I can't post the picture of granddaughter Kyleigh when she got up on the stage and danced while he was singing the America.  

This weekend was our annual Begonia show.  It is a two day affair plus about 7 hours setting up on Friday.  Daughter Katie and I worked the show, and my other daughter Kristen, and her mother-in-law Jan came.  

There were some beautiful begonias at our show.  

We had about 950 plants for sale and had sold a great quantity when I left Saturday afternoon.   This is what I came home with.

 Friday afternoon as I was putting my plants in my car to take to the Begonia Show, my heat pump made a horrible sound.  I came inside and turned it off, and then looked inside and the fan was sitting sideways, off the motor.  I called the Home Warranty company and they can't come out until Tuesday.  We have been in the late 90s to 104 degree weather lately, and right now the temperature in my house is 86 degrees.  I have a company that services my heat pump twice a year.  They came over and put the fan back on but when we turned it on the blades at bent and it is running wonky.  So I have left it off and have been using fans.  I had a hard time sleeping Friday night even with 2 fans.  I got another super at Home Depot, so we will see how that works.   I have a feeling I am going to need a new unit, this one is at the end of life.  

As for slow stitching, I finished Woven Wreaths for August.  

I was looking through a pile of stuff in my sewing room and came across Witch Hazel.  I had copied the design onto some of that Sulky stuff and stuck it to the fabric.  It has been sitting in a to-do pile for about 20 years.  It's long past time she got out of the to-do pile.  

This is what I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching, after I get through at the Begonia Show on Sunday.

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

KathyMargaretDebNanette, SharonKarrinDaisy, and Connie

I will also be linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Head on over and see what everyone is up to there also.  

Thanks for stopping by!