Sunday, September 22, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 Another busy week has flown by.  I don't know where the weeks go.  I had a couple of appointments this week, a dermatology appointment and got a spot frozen.  I also had an eye appointment this week, and got my flu shot while I was there.  

This week was also Begonia Society meeting, followed the next day by guild meeting.

I also finally got my heat pump fixed and have AC again, just in time for our weather ramping back up into the 90's again. I also got my spare tire/sensor fixed back on my car and I didn't have to pay anything for that, probably because my SIL Jeff has a used car dealership across the street and does business with the company.

I fired the company that put the fan blade on the new heat pump motor last year.  It should not have fallen off if they tightened it right, or checked it in April when they serviced the unit.  I also fired the home warranty company that only pays for normal routine wear and tear.

I also got a new Iphone 15 pro this past week.  My old phone was having problems.  Blue tooth was not working, my daughters would call and the call would not go through.  I'm having a little trouble syncing my photos to my PC though.

I worked on my yard a bit since it is a little cooler in the morning.  The Mexican sunflower is really getting tall, I had to stake it up.

I've been planning a new garden area, up against the back of the house.  I've got black cloth to kill the grass.  I got 5 cement blocks to go around the perimeter as an edge.  I will get a few at a time.  Thankfully granddaughter Kyleigh's fiance Andrew helped me bring them to the backyard. I plan to cut the tree looking trumpet vine to the ground.  It is falling over, and will definitely come back.

The only thing I sewed on this past week was my project for the Bee Kind Blog Hop Challenge which starts on Monday.  

What I will be working on this week will be Witch Hazel


Also I need to finish up September's Woven Wreaths.

I keep meaning to show what I purchased recently from  She has these laser cut bobbin sets that you can wrap your embroidery threads around.  I bought the one with cats, but there are woodland creatures, bunnies, llama's and all sorts of animals.  Mine has 15 bobbins.

I found this on Facebook recently.

Thanks for stopping by!

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