Sunday, September 15, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

It was another busy week, and unfortunately no sewing or quilting got done.  My heat pump is still out, with our weather last week has been in the 100's, to high 90s.  Tuesday the Home Warranty HVAC guy came out, and after 10 minutes looking at the fan blade, the company determined this was not normal wear and tear and they weren't paying anything.  I had the number of an HVAC company one of my Begonia Society friends had used and recommended, and they came out a couple of hours later, and have ordered a new fan blade, which hopefully will arrive early next week, and I will have A/C again.

Due to it being 85+ in the house, even with fans, I didn't feel the urge or motivation to  to sew.  I mostly binge read last week.  I read about 10 of Joan DeMaio's Seaside Saga series.  I think I am caught up now.  

I have also been having a problem with the tire sensors in my car.  I had 2 replaced last year before I got my new tires.  The sensor indicator came on again 3 weeks ago.  So I made an appointment at Costco to have my tires rotated, and 2 more sensors put in.   Then a week later the indicator went off again, and I took it to a tire place across from my SIL's used car lot.  They told me nothing was wrong, but Costco had put on my spare upside down so you couldn't read the sensor.  They fixed that.  Then 2 days later it went off again, and I drove my car back 17 miles over to the same place.  Apparently when Costco put the new sensor in they damaged my 2008 spare tire.  So I need to drive back over next week to get a new spare tire, or a fixed one.

All of this stuff has sort of got me down.

Saturday, I went with my two daughters and some of her coworkers for the hospital system she works with down to the American Heart Association walk.  My husband John had heart disease so I was happy to do it.  We went for a really nice brunch afterwards.

We got some really nice turquoise T-shirts.  

My garden sadly needs a lot of work done.  It has been too blasted hot to do much.  My hydrangeas this year didn't bloom much at all because of the heat.  

I planted Mexican Sunflowers from seed and this one is huge.

I was able to repot my new begonias and arrange them by my front door.

This begonia is planted in the ground.  It died off a little bit from frost last year, but came back very nicely.

The plant next to the coleus is a begonia called Freddie.

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching is Witch Hazel.  

I'll be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!  


  1. How awful that your A/C is out when the weather is so hot. I hope it is fixed soon. Heart disease runs in my family also, though I have never participated in one of the walks. How great that you did so with your family. I hope you can get back to sewing soon.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Goodness that is hot with no air con! Hope it’s sorted out soon. A worth while walk to participate in. Love your stitching! Sarah quilting by the sea

  3. Sharon10:23 AM

    Ohhh I hope your weather cools down or that air conditioning gets fixed quickly. Witch Hazel is coming along so nicely, and she is adorable!

  4. I'm sorry you've had a downer of a week, Karrin. I hope the AC is sorted soon. Much too hot there not to have some relief from the heat. Such fun walking for a worthy cause and don't you all look fabulous in those turquoise shirts. I must say all those pretty begonias are a beautiful welcome at your front door. I hope this week is a more pleasant one for you. Xx

  5. Bummer with no A/C. With those temps my go to activity would be reading as well. Although Witch Hazel is darling, she looks overheated and weary as well. Hang in there.

  6. I hope you get AC soon, Karrin. Your flowers are so lovely. I have never seen a Mexican sunflower before- how pretty. Love Witch Hazel too.

  7. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Air conditioning is a necessity in hot weather! Hope it’s up and running again soon. Witch Hazel has lots of personality! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  8. So sorry about your AC and your tires - that is definitely discouraging to deal with. We are flying by the seat of our pants now with no home warranty for the first time in many years. They reached the point that they never allowed any of our claims anyway, so what was the point. I love your garden photos. Ours has burnt up this summer. Good for you on the walk! I participated in a walk for breast cancer in 2008 and still wear the t-shirt - lol!

  9. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with so many problems the last week. I hope things are fixed and back to normal soon!
