Wednesday, April 27, 2022

One Monthly Goal, April


It's time to link up One Monthly Goals @ Elm Street Quilts

I actually completed my goal this month, and want to link up before I forget about it.  I stated my goal here in this post.   In February, our guild was handing out matched baggies of fabric to make items for our guild's boutique, walker bags, dialysis quilts, whatever struck your fancy.  We are showing our items at May's guild meeting.  

This was my second baggie that I made items out of.  These were the fabrics I received.  They looked Fall to me.   That bottom is yellow, but its a poor photograph because of the lighting in the house that day.  

I made a quilt for a dialysis patient, and a table runner with my baggie of fabric.

I will be linking up One Monthly Goal for April @Elm Street Quilts.   Many thanks to Patty and all she does for this monthly motivation.  I find it very helpful!  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I think I have a die for that size tumbler I need to make something with it - did one with little pieces some years ago the die I have is for a bigger size I believe - your table runner is neat

  2. Great quilts, Karrin! I love the coral with the green/teal. Did you applique the leaves on the table runner?
