Sunday, August 06, 2023

HQAL, Slow Sunday Stitching

This past week I had a a relatively easy week, and other than a board meeting, and a Dr. appointment to get a cortisone injection in my knee, I had more time to get my own activities done.  

Because of my infestation of indoor plants with these blasted mealybugs recently, and after discovering more in my sewing room windowsill orchids, and my quilting room orchids, I watched some YouTube videos,  I learned more about these pests.  Apparently the females have a 30 day lifespan and they can lay 500 eggs.  You are supposed to check plants every two weeks because more eggs can hatch.  

I repotted 14 orchids in those windows, cleaned off the windowsills, treated them with a combination of rubbing alcohol, Dawn Soap, and Neem Oil.  Apparently the first two will kill them, and the Neem Oil will render them sterile.  

Several days later I looked at the 4 orchids in my living room, and discovered 2 were infected, so I took them out in the garage and treated them.  With my new program I am wiping the areas there were located off with alcohol too.  I discovered in the living room that there were mealybugs all over the drapes in the window behind the desk they sit on, and there were gnats on the sheers.  I think the gnats I have been seeing are probably the males which can fly.  

I saw something on Facebook recently about having plans for your day, and then your day totally goes haywire and you end up doing something completely different.  That was my day last week.  I washed all the drapes and sheers and hung one up.  Went to hang the second sheer up, and realized it was totally shredded, from sun damage.  

So I ordered some more sheers on Amazon and was able to get my living room back in order.  

This is a view of my backyard out my living room with no drapes.  I actually like it a lot, but in the winter when the trumpet vine has no leaves, it gets a lot of sun.

Saturday afternoon, I was going to use the undamaged (I thought) sheer, and attach it to a header in my dining room.  My neighbors recently took down the  oak trees in their backyard that were infected, and put in a pool.  So I no longer have shade on this side of my house, and have had to relocate a bunch of my plants on the outside of my house.   My indoor plants were getting burnt up in my dining room.  I made the first header to look like these, also in my dining room.  I can let those down and it makes a full window covering.

I attached the remaining sheer and attached it to the header, but apparently this sheer was also damaged by the sun, so I took it off again.

This is an east facing window, and the sun comes in here first thing in the morning, until about 11.  So I will put the sheer out out of the way when the sun isn't burning in.  

This is with my plant stand in place.  

One thing I do do quilty this week was finish the top for the Scrap Dance Quadrille Mystery by Carole @From My Carolina Home

My ideal plan would be to have this quilted and bound by next Thursday as I plan to be in the town an elderly friend of mine lives in, and I would like to gift it to her then.  

I have also been participating in the #100hexies100days2023 hosted by @sewfoxymama.  It started 5 days ago, and these are my first 5 days hexies.  

This week I also made a couple of pop-up birthday cards with my Cricut.  

This is the outside of the card.

Inside of the card

I've also spent time working outside in the mornings when it is cooler.  The trumpet vine provides nice shade for my living room and kitchen.

These are a bunch of wisteria seedlings that keep popping up between my hydrangeas that needed to be removed.

The amaranthus is popping up again, and the Naked Ladies are coming up (Amaryllis belladona)

The vegetable garden, especially the zucchini are going crazy.

My amaryllis is reblooming again, after I found a good place in the garden for it.

This week I also got a manicure and pedicure.  I went to a new place, and probably won't be going back, as the pedicure guy wasn't that great, although he did great flowers on my big toes.  Also the nail guy drew flowers on my ring fingers for free.  

What I will be working on again for Slow Sunday Stitching is the Baby quilt that got turned in to Community Service.  I just need to finish up quilting the last two borders on the last side on the right.  This was also what I was working on three weeks ago for the Hand Quilt Along.   Check out what everyone below is working on.  

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

KathyMargaretDebNanette, SharonKarrinDaisy, and Connie

I will also be linking up for Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.    Check out what everyone is up to.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your quilt is so pretty. I love your nails!

  2. You are almost finished with that baby quilt already. We too have struggled with mealy bugs/white flies. Not sure if they are exactly the same, but the treatment is. They are such a pain! Enjoyed seeing your garden and those lovely toes!

  3. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Those bugs are giving you a run for your money!
    Pretty baby quilt! Your garden is growing well!

    Gail at the cozy quilter

  4. Your Quadrille quilt is very pretty. You have a whole lot of patience in dealing with those mealybugs. I have had sheers on a south facing window for 20 years and I have never had sun damage. I guess I am lucky. I like the window toppers you made. Love the pop up card. You've been very busy!

  5. Your plants and windows required a lot of your attention, but sounds like you've got things in hand! Your window treatments look lovely, and your plants look so lush and pretty. I love that look but don't do it anymore because . . . 4 cats who love to play with and eat leaves. I also have one who will dig in the pot dirt. (eye roll) Your nails look great, but I get it about not going back. It's so hard to find just the right mani/pedi person.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    What a busy week but it sounds like in the end you got all the big and little blips under control. Your mystery quilt came out beautiful . Love all the pictures of the garden :) Here's to an uneventful new week ~ enjoy :) Sharon (nwpaintedlady)

  7. Oh, I hate when a task becomes bigger because there is more to do than you the sheers. I love your hexies and your card. Was that a cricut design file you used? I brought mine up to Maine from the apartment...where we spend little time but haven't done anything with it in awhile. Need to get it working again!

  8. Yes, now and then something will come up and the day is gone dealing with it. That is quite an experience with the mealy bugs and gnats. Hopefully, your vigilance will pay off and they will be gone. But what a nuisance. Pretty window treatments, garden blooms and your nails are also so pretty.
