Sunday, July 30, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

It was another busy week.  There is always prep work getting ready for community service workday at my house.  I have to get all my sewing supplies off the kitchen and dining room tables.  And clean the house.  Wednesday was workday and this time my co-chair Cathy was on vacation, and apparently some of our other usual group of 6-7 was too.  There were just 3 of us this time, but we got a number of quilt batting and binding cut ou9t, enough so that we have filled our bins again for pin basting day in a couple of weeks.

I have also spent this week working in the garden, and working on getting the stump of my poor 40+ year old camellia out.  It looked liked this, and just seemed to be getting worse and worse, dropping all its leaves, and I took it down several weeks ago.  It was probably 9 feet tall.  

In removing the stump of the camellia, and the superficial roots, I found out why it died.  When the gardeners who did my work last year broke up the soil, they actually cut most of the major roots.  I have hardpan here, and it took me 4 days to dig a hole for the new plants I purchased.  I would put water in the hole to soften it up, and it would still be there the next day.  But I finally was able to dig one deep enough for a 2 gallon Dinner Plate Hibiscus.  

I also planted a new camellia, and a gardenia.  I also spent time hooking the drip irrigation back up.  This area is in the shade most of the day, but gets the sun in the afternoon.  I am hoping I am able to eventually have shade out here again so my begonias can again reside.

I went up to WalMart the other day to purchase some laundry detergent, and found that apparently Tide has to be locked up now.  I don't use Tide, but another customer said people were stealing Tide and selling it.  

We are still in the 90's this week.  My poor hydrangeas are looking poorly.  

I made an unusual discovery in part of my garden my amaryllis is about to bloom again! 

The other thing I have been working on for 3 days this week was making birthday cards on my Cricut.   I have 6 family birthdays in August, and I am trying to make everyone a card.  I have made some pop-up cards and foiled cards.  For some reason my Cricut hasn't been behaving, the stylus tool keeps popping out.  I am having to cut things out 2-3 times to make all the components.  I discovered late Saturday there is probably something wrong with my Cricut Design Space on my Laptop, the one on my iPad seems to be working.    So I plan to get a new copy for my laptop.

My grandson Jaeger came over Friday night to help me do something and saw my Cricut on the table, and remarked I had a Cricut.  Apparently he purchased a Cricut Explore 3 on Facebook Marketplace 3 weeks ago, and has been cutting out some things in iron-on vinyl and applying them to t-shirts.   These are some of his designs.  


When he went away to college I gave him a little sewing kit so he could sew on buttons etc.  I told him boys should be able to do everything girls do.   He bought a small sewing machine and actually hems up his jeans and Lacross pants.  

This is Jaeger and his new truck.  

I think that is it for this week.  

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching this week is this secret project, which will be revealed in a couple of weeks.  

I'll be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Head on over and check out what everyone is up to.  

Thanks for stopping by!  


  1. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Good for jaeger! And a sewing machine! Your poor hydrangea does look poorly. I guess your very hot weather has made lots of plants suffer. Of course in the uk it’s the opposite…..lots of rain! Sarah quilting by the sea

  2. You must be working on a crazy quilt! I don't understand why people are stealing Tide. Weird.

  3. that is so strange on the laundry soap! I have never heard of that being an item people want to steal. At our Wal-Mart it is all the smaller make up items like eye shadow, mascara, face lotion like olay, even razor blades and shaving cream that are all in one area of the store and they have a cash register right there and you need to pay for those items right then and there and they bag and staple the bag shut

  4. Locking up Tide?!?! How bizarre! Enjoy your secret stitching!

  5. Secret project looks wonderful, love the eye candy. Happy embroidery day Karrin. Have a nice week.

  6. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Stores around here are upping their anti theft measures as well. I have not seen the laundry soap locked up though. Can’t wait to see your secret stitching. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  7. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Hi ~ another productive week! Great job Jaeger - congrats on the new wheels! Always sad to see a beautiful planting get sick and then removed but the 3 new plantings will (fingers crossed) be awesome!

  8. Your poor camelia - that is too bad! The new plants look good in that space, though. I've seen stuff about stealing the Tide on the news recently - they showed a guy just stuffing his car full. That is just sad and ridiculous that people would do that. How fun that Jaeger is being creative! Enjoy your stitching today!

  9. Oh how frustrating to find that was the cause of the camellia's dying! Your new plants will be great, but can't grow back to the old height in a few days. =( I love you have an amaryllis that's going to bloom! I'm about to cut my big one back and stick it in the dark. Jaeger is amazing! New truck and new skills. You taught him absolutely the right thing. Regan made money in college with his little sewing machine - sewed for the Ren Faire cosplayers a lot. Those are cute t-shirt designs, and he could have a business, too! What a great truck. Paul would be jealllllous! LOL

  10. Nanette9:45 AM

    You stay so busy with projects and your new flowers will be so pretty. Shame that they messed up your plant that you had so long. Have a great week. Not sure if you are in the heat we are, so stay cool. 105++++ today! I am so ready for a COLD winter here in South Texas. Anyone who complains about the cold should have their head examined this winter!!! LOL. Hugs

  11. My you've been busy once again. I like your new plantings. I taught my son and daughter how to sew when they were little. Best wishes for Jaeger and his new truck.

  12. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I love your blog header photo with the circles of stars. Adding the light blues creates so much movement.
    You've done lots of gardening work! I'm so sorry your lost some flowers and glad you replanted. I hope everything grows well now.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your secret stitching!

  13. P.S. I forgot to sign my name (Nancy at joy for grace) to the comment I left minutes ago. I tried to sign in three times and it wouldn't let me, but now I see that I am signed in. Go figure....

  14. Always something to do in the garden isn't there. Did you have to work out irrigation last year? Or is this a particularly dry season. Though we've had record breaking heat, we've also had lots of rain luckily. Your secret project looks so interesing, Karrin!
