Sunday, September 24, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

Last week was a fun-filled, jam-packed week for me.  Our guild has an annual retreat to Zephyr Cove in Lake Tahoe at the Presbyterian Conference Center.  It is a nonprofit conference and retreat center.  They have rooms which we stayed in, and we had a room large room where we sewed.  They also offer 49 cabins to rent.  It is about a 2 hour drive from where we live, part of it windy mountain roads.  

Our guild has been going here for many years.  To keep the costs down, we brought our own breakfasts, and they provided lunch and dinners which were very good.   This is the room we worked in.  We each got our own table.  We had 29 guild members.  

On the right is the building we were working in,  Straight ahead is one of the cabins they rent out, and the building on the right was where we were sleeping.  On the bottom floor of that building was where we ate our meals.

These were some of our views.  Our building looked right out over the lake.  

So what did I get done you might ask.  Several months ago at a guild meeting we were asked to pick out a panel, make it into a quilt to be donated to Community Service.  Our deadline was the October meeting.  Many of us were working on these at our retreat.

This next one, I took some nine-patches someone put on the free table at guild meeting, and also the top and bottom sashings were on the free table.  

I also worked on some Storm at Sea blocks.  This will be for my lighthouse quilt, I probably started over 20 years ago.    

I need 22 blocks for the perimeter of the quilt.  I apparently need some remedial math, because I didn't cut enough pieces for some of the elements.  

I also worked on my Ella Maria Deacon quilt.  I had 84/85 blocks made.  I was stuck on the one that was a paper pieced lone star.  I got some help at the retreat and completed the last block.

Before the retreat I had sewn the side sashings in, and I started to assemble the rows.  Unfortunately I don't have enough of this one to do the rows.  I miscut a few pieces at home.  I was cutting on either side of the red strip, so the middles are left.  

I am going to post on Missing Fabrics.Com and see if I can come up with some more.  

Last week's theme on Instagram #100hexies100 days was "I Spy" and these are my hexies.

This past week was the It's A Dog's Life Challenge, hosted by Carol @Just Let Me Quilt.  You could either make something having to do with dogs, or something vintage.  I posted about my vintage quilts.  You can see the post here.  I was having a hard time commenting on other people's posts while I was in Lake Tahoe.  It kept telling me I needed to sign into Google.  Plus the Wi-Fi was sketchy.  I don't know if it was because I was on my Ipad and not on my laptop or what.  It was very frustrating. 

Saturday night my youngest grandchildren, Klara and John spent the night, as their parents were going to a wedding and staying in a hotel for the night.  We asked cousin Keaton to join us at the Spaghetti Factory to celebrate John's BD which was the day before.  

This is what I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching, the last embroidery on the Blessings quilt.  After I finish this one, I will be able to start making the surrounding blocks.  

I will be linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.    Head on over and check out what everyone is working on.  

I saw this on Facebook last week and thought it was pretty funny.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. that looks like a really nice place for your retreat

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Gorgeous place for a retreat! You got lots done while you were there. I hope you can find some more of that fabric for the sashing. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  3. You always have so much going on! the retreat looks amazing and sounds like it was so much fun, I'm pleased that you managed to complete block number 85 it's beautiful.

  4. I agree with that facebook post! What a beautiful spot for a retreat. I would have been too distracted by that beautiful view. Have a great week!

  5. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I am so impressed ~ you got so much done and the retreat and what a gorgeous spot for quilting. Sending out a happy birthday wish to John too! Sharon (nwpaintedlady)

  6. I find that I have to resign in to Google when I am on a different Wi-Fi network from my home. The location of your retreat is beautiful. You managed to get a lot completed. I love that star block. Glad to know I am not the only person with loooong term projects. I love the Facebook post. Unfortunately, chubby me usually does the shopping.

  7. Looks like you had a fabulous retreat at a gorgeous center. Love the storm at sea blocks and your panel quilts are great. That grocery store saying is too accurate!

  8. The retreat sounds amazing and what a beautiful area. Fabulous projects that you took along to work on . I love Kitty Corn . I do need to work on mine. Thank you for the inspiration.
