Tuesday, January 14, 2025

SAHRR 2025, Week 1

I am participating again in the Stay At Home Round Robin, which began this week, hosted by Gail @Quilting Gail.  This is my 5th year of participating in this, and I look forward to it every year.  I generally donate these quilts to my guild's Community Service.  

For my center block this year, I actually took some blocks I picked up on the free table at my guild.  Someone had donated a bunch of cute lighthouse blocks and I chose 2 of these.  Someone had also donated some primitive blocks they had stitched, and I chose 2 of those, and sewed all 4 blocks together.  


The schedule of the bloggers suggesting the clues each week is below.  

Thanks for stopping by!  

1 comment:

  1. Those are cute blocks, Karrin! They're really fun sewn together, too. I'll enjoy seeing what you do with them during the round robin!
