Saturday, January 25, 2025

SAHRR-Week 2


This week's prompt for the Stay At Home Round Robin was from Kathleen @Kathlelen McMusing.  "Make a King’s Crown block/s for your first round OR make blocks that begin with your first initial or my initial K".  

My first initial happens to be K also.  I decided to go to Quilter's Cache and see what other quilt blocks I could find that started with K.  I found two that suited me,  Kristen's Patchwork Square, and Katie's Choice.  I have daughters named Katie and Kristen, so I chose to make 2 of each of these blocks.

These are the Katie's Choice blocks.  

These are the Kristen's Patchwork Squares.  

I didn't attach these to my center piece yet.  I am going to wait and see what next week's prompt is. 

The schedule of the bloggers suggesting the clues each week is below.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh bother! I forgot that I was going to try to join in this year!!!! I love your center blocks and your "K" blocks as well.. it's going to look good! xx

  2. Fun K blocks!!! Good idea, to see where it all goes before putting it together.

  3. I like your K blocks! Will be fun to see what you do this coming week, too!

  4. What fun those blocks are that you chose! I like the wait and see approach and can't wait to see how yours turns out.
