Sunday, January 26, 2025

Slow Sunday Stitching

It was another super busy week.  Tuesday was my oldest daughter Kristen's 47th birthday and we had a family dinner here.  Everyone was able to come except grandson Jaeger who is back at college.  

The next day, on Wednesday was our guild's Community Service workday at my house.  So right after dinner I needed to set up for that.  We had a good turnout, 8 people including myself.  We were able to get quite a few quilts prepped for basting day.  

Thursday I had lunch with my friend Jandra, who happens to be Kyleigh's fiance's grandmother.   Their dog, Maple, loved the quilted coat I made, but I need to make an adjustment and enlarge the straps under her belly which means I need to take the velcro and snaps off, and binding off and attach about 6 inches more fabric.

The rest of the week I have been working on one of my entries for our quilt show in May.   I had to wait to get my embroidery machine back from being serviced.  It went out in December when I was in the midst of making Christmas ornaments.  

I got this machine embroidery pattern with Father Christmases from Bird Brain Designs.    They also have this in hand embroidery, but I didn't have time to do that.  There are 13 Santas plus 21 little embroideries that are cornerstones with the sashing.  I was able to get them all embroidered.  I just need to clean up the threads and cut them to size.   I got the sashings cut out.  I am planning to take this project to quilt camp the end of February as my project to work on putting this together, if I don't do it beforehand/ 

What I will be working on for Slow Sunday Stitching is this block on Folk Art Sampler.  

I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a pretty block!

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter! The Birdbrain designs embroidery piece looks fun - I didn't know you could purchase machine embroidery versions of hand embroidery designs. That will make a cute quilt!

  3. You always are working on something lovely Karrin!

  4. Such a lovely family photo celebrating your daughter's birthday. Happy Birthday to Kristen. The Folk Art Sampler block is beautiful. Enjoy stitching it today.

  5. Sharon4:37 PM

    So many wonderful projects in the works. Happy birthday to your daughter. I have a 47 year old too :)

  6. Anonymous4:02 AM

    You have a big family—always lots of get togethers! Happy birthday to your daughter! That block is gorgeous! Maple looks pleased with her coat! Gail at the cozy quilter

  7. How fun to have a lovely family dinner all together! Your activities sound fun! I’m sure Maple will love her quilted coat! Oh! Your embroidery machine going out like that is like the over breaking on Thanksgiving Day! I hope you were able to get your ornaments finished!
    Here comes Santa looks so cute. One of these days, I’ll stitch up a redwork design. Your Folk Art Sampler block is so pretty. Love your colors! Happy Stitching!
