This week has been one of ups and downs. I have gotten a lot accomplished, and then come to standstills.
I was able to get this block done for a private Christmas BOM I am in.
This was from the Pieces From the Past Sewalong by Melva Loves Scraps. This is called the Double T, and it was originally published in the Kansas City Star, not sure what year. These blocks will be going into grandson Jaeger's graduation quilt this year.
I was also able to work on some of my Ella Maria Deacon blocks. This one was the one that was giving me so much grief a couple of weeks ago. Instead of starting over, I trimmed down the last two sides a bit, and made it work. It is not perfect, but it is 9-1/2 inches like it is supposed to be. The first version of this block measured 10 inches, too big.
I also finished this block, I changed it a big, and used broderie perse in the corners, different than the original.
For Slow Sunday Stitching this week I will be working on this block, another Ella Maria Deacon.
The rest of my week I did some moving stuff around. I had a record, tape, CD player in my sewing room, in an inaccessible spot and it never got used. I decided to move it out near the rooms I work in, namely the kitchen/dining room. I moved my player, record collection, CDS and tapes. Its all set up now and accessible and I am loving it! Music has always been a big part of my life.
In order to set it up out here, I had to move the stuff which was on the bottom of the shelf, which was containers of lace, threads, beads, etc for my crazy quilting. I moved these containers back in my sewing room on the dresser I took my music and player off of. I was even able to use a shelf for my Accuquilt dies.
My problems this week have come when I decided to get rid of some magazines/books on the shelf above this, which is about 10 inches from the ceiling and goes from this corner, over to the other corner over the closet. This wallpaper was up when I moved my sewing room to this end of the house, and I wish I had taken it down before I moved in here, but as my BIL was helping us move that weekend it was sort of a rush, and no time for me to peel it down and repaint.

Anyway those chickens are a UFO and are attached to the shelf. When I was taking stuff off the shelf, I heard a creaking noise and realized the L-brackets holding it up were coming away from the wall. John is no longer able to do anything like fix this, and I asked him what I should do. He told me to take the nails out, and put in long screws. I tried one, and it just keeps going around and around, won't tighten. So the rest of my week, I have been discouraged and try to come up with a solution. All the stuff up on that shelf has been taken down, and is sitting in the middle of the room. If I don't come up with a solution, the shelf is unusable and I will have to find another place for the boxes that were up there. It will be difficult for me to get it down too, the board is about 8 feet long.
When I get discouraged I tend to spend my time reading, and I have read about 9 books. Two days I read all day long! I read on my Kindle App and belong to Kindle Unlimited on Amazon. I read the Winter Black Series by Mary Stone. Winter Black is an FBI agent whose mother and father were killed by a serial killer when she was 13 but she was left knocked out and in a coma. Her little brother was taken by the serial killer, and she finds out in the later books her brother is still alive.
Thanks for stopping by!
Karrin, I am wondering if a splayed toggle inserted into the wall and then putting a screw in the toggle would work. Love the T block you stitched and the little broderie perse flowers in the corner of the other block are pretty. I too love music. I hope you have a lovely day working on your pretty Elle Marie Deacon block. Gosh, you have read a lot of books this week.
ReplyDeleteI'm no help with a suggestion for attaching the board to the wall but hopefully someone will have an idea. I certainly don't want the shelf to crash onto you but you can't keep all the stuff in the middle of the room either. Reading sounds like a great activity. Enjoy your handwork, happy stitching!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are doing a QAL.... and reorganizing your spaces for what is practical instead of what is.... sometimes we don't know why we did things like they were... and we never move them... I am glad you took the initiative Karrin... and your QAL blocks look great!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week and thanks for sharing your reading and sewing and reorganizing :) Kathi
Sounds like your shelf bracket was not attached to a stud behind the drywall. You could ask at the hardware store for some sort of plug that will hold the screw-in or you could move the bracket to a spot where there is a stud behind it. I hope you are able to find a solution soon. You have lots of blocks to show us this week! Reading is a wonderful way to pass the time. Take care
ReplyDeleteI agree with The Cozy Quilter and Kim. You probably need something that expands behind the drywall. Also spend some time on the internet looking for solutions. I am sure there will be some. I love all your pretty blocks, especially the double T. Your Slow Stitching project for today is beautiful also. Enjoy your stitching and good luck with the shelf.
ReplyDeleteThose are some pretty blocks you've been working on this week, Karrin! It can be both fun and frustrating to rearrange and move things around. I hope you find a solution to the shelf and screw problem! I love reading, too, and read a lot of books every month. I'll have to look at the series you mentioned - it sounds like something I'd like!
ReplyDeleteAll those quilt blocks are lovely, how nice to know there are others that still have tapes I have both cassette and 8 track.
ReplyDeleteI love that pink star with the broderie perse. It's fabulous! Good save on the EMD block that was a little too large. It looks great.
ReplyDeleteCozy Quilter's suggestion to use anchors or move the screw to a stud is a good one. studs are usually 18" apart, on center. If you can find one of the supports that is holding well on the bookshelf you could measure 18" (or 36" or 54") to the side toward where the support is not holding and check to see if there's a stud there. Tap on the wall and if it sounds solid, there's a stud. If it sounds hollow, there isn't.
Of, if you want to use anchors, here's a link to photos of what might work:
It's hard when you don't have help for projects like this. I hope you can manage it yourself so you can get back to stitching.